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Business Certification Verification

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State: Certification Number: Company Name: Trademark Name: Owner Name:
National Directory of Small Business Owners™ publishes (1) individuals and (2) companies awarded Business Certification issued by the following agencies:
Region 1:   Maine SBA  |  Vermont SBA  |  New Hampshire SBA
Massachusetts SBA  |  Rhode Island SBA  |  Connecticut SBA

Region 2:   New York SBA  |  New Jersey SBA  |  Delaware SBA

Region 3:   Pennsylvania SBA  |  Maryland SBA  |  West Virginia SBA
Virginia SBA

Region 4:   Mississippi SBA  |  Alabama SBA  |  Georgia SBA  |  North Carolina SBA
South Carolina SBA  |  Kentucky SBA  |  Tennessee SBA  |  Florida SBA

Region 5:   Minnesota SBA  |  Wisconsin SBA  |  Michigan SBA
Illinois SBA  |  Indiana SBA  |  Ohio SBA
Region 6:   New Mexico SBA  |  Texas SBA®  |  Oklahoma SBA
Arkansas SBA  |  Louisiana SBA

Region 7:   Nebraska SBA  |  Kansas SBA  |  Iowa SBA  |  Missouri SBA

Region 8:   Montana SBA  |  Wyoming SBA  |  North Dakota SBA
South Dakota SBA  |  Utah SBA  |  Colorado SBA

Region 9:   California SBA  |  Nevada SBA  |  Arizona SBA

Region 10:  Alaska SBA  |  Hawaii SBA  |  Washington SBA
Oregon SBA  |  Idaho SBA  |  Puerto Rico.

Regional Map

The above agencies provide Business Certification for use in private business transactions, customer relations, and business ownership verification of corporations & small businesses within their designated state. These agencies are independent professional organizations promoting the for-profit commercial interests of corporations and small business owners within their designated state. We Are the Ownership Class™.

None of the above entities are affiliated with, connected to, or associated with the U.S. Small Business Administration, or state government. None of the above entities are government Third-Party Certifiers for participation in any government Diversity Program defined by 13 C.F.R. Part 121. U.S. Small Business Administration or similar state government bureaucracy.
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